October 8, 2010

P.E.A.C.E.F.U.L. Component #5

Continuing Bryan Post's Eight Components of a Peaceful Parent/Child Relationship...

#5. Encouragement is an aspect of our relationship with
our children that we simply cannot do enough.

Have you ever had the experience as an adult of wanting
to do something new?

Maybe you were considering a new job or a major purchase,
but were feeling unsure.

What did you need?

What did you eventually receive?

Ultimately, when life presents us with a challenge,
the sheer magnitude of the fear we create can lead
us to fall back and not make an effort.

For children, this experience happens daily.

Simply the effort to work on a homework assignment
alone can present an enormous degree of fear for a child.

Imagine the significance of a simple, "You can do it,
I have faith in you," for a child when facing a life obstacle.

As we encourage our children in daily life experiences
we are endowing them with a deep sense of their
ability to trust themselves in the endeavors they pursue.

As a child growing up I can recall, with the greatest sensation
of love, never an ill word spoken towards my endeavors.

From seven years of age when I wanted to start a lemonade
stand on the corner block, to an adult when I desire to build
a fortress for family healing, nothing but loving support.

Encouragement is one of the purest blessings we can ever
bestow upon our children.

Bryan Post
Post Institute for Family-Centered Therapy
"There is help, There is hope."
Office: 866-848-POST (7678)

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